If you are a retailer and we welcome you to order us with your desired design of Jute, Kaisa, Seagrass & Bamboo made product..

Products from Jute Materials

Products from Seagrass Materials

Products from Kaisa Materials

Product from Bamboo Materials

Why we are asking you to use Jute Product

Jute products are one of the most eco-friendly items in the world. Jute is a natural fiber that is primarily cultivated in Bangladesh. However, today, the manufacturing and consumption of jute products have spread across different countries.

Eco-friendly, sustainability and Bambo

Bamboo is one type of grass, which is surprising considering its tough and durable structure. Bamboo, for thousands of years, is diverse and can grow in various environments, from mountainous regions to hot tropical areas.

Why we promote to use biodegradable Product

Biodegradable materials have been used for decades but they've recently seen an increase in popularity due to environmental concerns. Nowadays people are looking for eco-friendly alternatives to conventional products.

About Us Producing Quality Craft Products

Northern Handicraft is an export oriented biodegradable Handicraft, Home textile products’ company based on Bangladesh. In the aim of women empowerment and save earth by manufacturing and promoting biodegradable product Northern Handicraft established. Currently, there are 78 persons are employed by our company and count increasing among them 56 persons women
with below primary education. Our most of the product handmade rather than machine. 

Ask for Quotation You can order bulk quantity products in wholesale price.

Dhaka, Bangladesh





Bangladesh, Sweden